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In February 2020, I joined a project with my friend, Ray, to publish a book. He calls it “crowdsourcing a book.” I jumped at this opportunity because I wanted to have more books on my digital bookshelf on Amazon (though it doesn’t hurt to add another to my physical bookshelf either!).

That book was The Success Code (Dauntless, August 2020). Along with twenty-four other experts, I talked about my three pillars of success.

Well, there is a fourth pillar that I don’t talk about in the book: happiness.

i’ve learned that happiness isn’t solely about material things like having enough money or having a mansion. It’s an attitude; something that you choose to be. If you choose to be happy, you are successful.

In the very beginning of the pandemic, I signed up for a dating app and swiped to see who I would be matched with. If you join one of those sites, you are not apt to have success right off the bat.

I was one of the lucky ones.

I met this shy girl named Cassie who wasn’t having a very good day at the time. She was going through something of a personal nature.

We started talking about 7:48pm and, when I looked at the clock again, I realized it was almost three in the morning. We spoke about many different topics, but my goal was to make her feel better.

Little did I know, we would talk again the next day… and the next day… and the next day.

Due to the pandemic, dating sites and apps are pushing virtual dating. Following suit, we went on our first virtual date on May 23, 2020, talking just about non-stop since then.

The moment I met Cassie, I realized happiness comes in many forms. Yes, you have to want to be internally happy, but it doesn’t hurt to have something of an external nature (girlfriend, spouse, best friend, etc), and allow that to help you be internally happy. The biggest lesson I learned is that if you are open to it, the happiness will come.

Join my newsletter to stay in the know about when The Happiness Code comes out in 2021. I will have a chapter in that book as well!

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Louis Vendetti