Since this month is December I can think of no other topic more appropriate to talk about than Christmas. At this time of year I always think back to our past Christmases. There are so many memories, including the year Lou and his twin sister, Loren, were 3 and we all had the flu and slept through Christmas. We celebrated the day after and the kids being that young did not know the difference.

I also remember one year we went to a friends house as Santa was paying a visit. We were asked to bring a wrapped Christmas ornament that Santa would pass out to the kids. They were all so excited, waiting for Santa to arrive. They were screaming and jumping on him as he came through the door. All the kids sat on Santa’s lap and told him what they wanted for Christmas and then he read ‘The Night Before Christmas’ and passed out gifts to the kids.

I noticed Lou sitting on the floor leaning against the wall. He had such a sad look on this face and was looking down at the ornament Santa had given him. He was mumbling something. I went over and sat beside him and heard him saying ‘I still believe, I still believe, I still believe…..’ I asked him what was wrong and he said, ‘Santa didn’t get me what I asked for, but I still believe in him.’

I don’t remember what I said to him, he had a habit of catching me off guard and leaving me speechless. I am sure I tried to make him feel better and made sure that what he asked for was under the tree at home.

As the kids grew our traditions changed. Now on Christmas Eve we go out for Chinese food after 5:00 Mass and then come home and open presents. It is less about the presents and more about just being together and enjoying each other. The kids love to sleep in so my husband and I get to spend a quiet Christmas morning reminiscing over coffee.

There is one other tradition we seem to have created—much to our chagrin—and that is we break at least one ornament each year.

I love all the different transitions we have had over the years and look forward to creating new ones in the years to come.

Wishing everyone a very Merry and safe Chistmas season!

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