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Don’t Blink!

This month I hit a milestone, I turned 60. Unbelievable, where has the time gone? I am reminded of the Kenny Chesney song ‘Don’t Blink.’ I remember when I was 20 thinking that when we hit the year 2000, I would be 40 years old and I could not imagine that. I...

On the Road Again!

Another successful trip this past month. Four days at Turning Stone. Lou and I played a round of golf while the kids slept in. Playing golf, like everything else, has new rules due to social distancing. Only 1 person per golf cart. I wanted to walk so we asked if Lou...

BINGO Anyone?

We stuck our toes back in the water of traveling this month. We took a little trip in the travel trailer. I mentioned to Lou that the Turning Stone Casino’s campground was open for travelers within a 120 mile radius. Lou checked it out on MapQuest and we were 115...

A Cat is not a Dog

We had dogs in our house as I was growing up. When I met my husband, Lou, he had a cat. I was a dog person so had no idea what to do with a cat. They don’t play fetch or lick your face or pee on the floor with excitement when they see you. They are just there. She...

The Travel Bug

We definitely have the travel bug. We take every opportunity to pack up and go some place. The places we traveled to was somewhat dictated by where our timeshare had openings. Every new place we went Lou would say was his favorite place. There are three that have...
Hurry! The sale ends in...

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