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As we start a new year and a new decade, I think back over not only the past year but decade. So much has happened. Louis and Loren graduated high school and then college and have started their careers. Loren is working in her field of child development and considering continuing her education to become a coordinator for children with special needs. Louis has started a publishing company and has published his first book. He is working on several other books as well as starting support communities for parents, educators and children with special needs. We couldn’t be prouder of their accomplishments and are looking forward to seeing their growth and progress on their career goals over this new decade.

On the health front, we have had our share of health scares. Louis’s several shunt failures and surgeries to replace them, Loren’s seizures and Lou’s cancer to name a few. These trials have not only brought us closer, but have made us realize how lucky we are to have each other to lean on to help lessen the burden through these hard times.

We have also had many great family adventures, both in our timeshare and our travel trailer. We have many wonderful pictures, souvenirs and artwork to help us remember our trips to Disney in Florida, Dollywood in Tennessee, the beaches on Cape Cod and Myrtle beach and Colonial Williamsburg to just name a few. We gave up the timeshare last year, so we will see what shape our adventures take in this decade.

Lou retired this past year and I was let go from my job after 17 years. Lou and I had been talking about when I would retire prior to my being let go and so we have been trying to decide what to do. I am not ready to retire, but have enjoyed not working this past year. It has showed me that I do not want to go back to what I was doing. I was spending too much time working. I enjoy being home and cannot imagine being cooped up in an office 10 – 12 hours a day ever again.  I think I might have found something that will allow me to work from home and not be all consuming so will feel like I am semi retired.

Whatever we decide about my future employment, I know in this coming year and decade we will continue to do what we have always done, face all of the good and bad times together with love and humor.

This is an Irish blessing for you that will end my post each month: May you be blessed with warmth in your home, love in your heart, peace in your soul and joy in your life.

P.S. Thank you to those of you who commented on my last post. It was nice to hear from you.

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Louis Vendetti