My Story

I was born at twenty-five week’s gestation, weighing in at only two and a half pounds.

I was given Last Rites within three days of my birth because I was predicted not to survive—but I had other plans.

Following my birth, I was transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). After ninety-one days, I was released and sent home.

At five years old, I was diagnosed with Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy, which affects my lower extremities.

After being diagnosed, I started physical therapy at my house. So began my time with physical therapists.

I had physical therapy twice a week at home until I went to school. I went to school and had physical therapy three times a week.

Due to my physical disability, I had many challenges throughout school.

When I was in college, I set out to write a book about my time through school with Cerebral Palsy.

To obtain a copy, you can download my book, My Disability Doesn’t Define Me, on Kindle or buy the paperback from Amazon.

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